Quoth The Raven: Nevermore!
August 1, 2022

Join an afternoon gothic birthday tea party and summer reception as we gather to commemorate the 200th birthday of Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe, beloved wife of prolific author Edgar Allen Poe. Your ticket to this singular event includes performance and concert, plus tea toast and wreath-laying at the graves of Virginia and Edgar Allan Poe.
Edgar Allan Poe famously proclaimed the "death of a beautiful woman" the most poetical subject in the world. The prolonged suffering of his beautiful, dying wife, Virginia Poe (1822 – 1847) almost certainly inspired this belief. Muse, poetess, child bride, daughter of Baltimore, Virginia Poe remains one of the most enigmatic and controversial figures in the famed author’s history.
Attendees will also get to preview the upcoming Edgar & Virginia Poe Death Exhibit. Tickets to this amazing event are $25 and are sure to be in high demand. Register for themĀ here. The event will be held at Westminster Hall & Burying Grounds, 519 W. Fayette St. Baltimore, MD 21202 on Saturday August 13 from 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm.
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